A Storytelling Approach
I believe some of the best moments I have captured, have been when I was ready to roll, and not forcing anything to happen. This has sculpted my approach to being “ever-present” with moments as the day happens.

Mark Fansler
Husband, Father, Video Guy
I’m an Extrovert and LOVE Film
I have been Married for 24 Years
I have 4 Kids, 2 Cats, and 2 Dogs
I love Running
I’m an Artist, I paint and Sketch
I grew up loving art and music. After capturing moments on camera with my family for years, I went into videography more professionally and eventually found weddings. Weddings are the perfect mix of art, creativity, and technical skills. I fell in love with the challenge of capturing moments that only happen once, and telling stories in ways that capture and captivate. Now, I live to tell stories and bless those I meet.
Frequently Asked Questions
Call or text me anytime with additional questions at 918-810-6323.